Birchbox | August 2018

Birchbox Subscription Box | August 2018
Birchbox Subscription Box | August 2018

I really considered not sharing this, as I really should have done it last week. However, those of you who would have noticed, I took a week off. Why? I just felt like I needed it. I felt like my blog was getting a little dry and repetitive. So, I took a little time off. Doesn’t mean I’m going to come back and change everything, because I do really like how things are going. I just felt like I needed a little blog reset. So, here I am, back at it again with a Birchbox unboxing!

So this is August’s box, made in collaboration with Etsy… a shop that I am ashamed to say, I haven’t ever actually been on!

Birchbox Subscription Box | August 2018

Rituals The Ritual of Happy Buddha Foaming Shower Gel

I’m not always the biggest fan of these kind of shower gels. However, this one does come out as a gel and then gently foams up while you wait or while you apply. And so, I actually really like it. Plus, it smells of sweet orange and cedar wood!

Purity 3-in-1 Cleanser for Face and Eyes 

I haven’t actually got round to this because I have a million and one face washes. However, it’s a really cute little product! I love the packaging and it would be amazing for travelling with!

Birchbox Subscription Box | August 2018

PO Pomegranate Superfood Regenerating Sleeping Mask 

I love a good sleeping mask and I am absolutely obsessed with this packaging! I think it’s literally the most adorable thing ever! Very nearly finished my current night cream, so I’ll be using it soon!

Dirty Little Secret Eyeshadow Crayon 

I’m terrible at remembering to wear these kind of makeup products! However, I do like receiving makeup in these boxes, so I’m not really complaining!

Birchbox Subscription Box | August 2018

CLE Cosmetics Melting Lip Powder 

The one thing I do love about these boxes is that they include some really weird, unusual products! I’ve actually lost this since getting this box (literally have no idea where it’s gone!), but when and if I find it, I’m super intrigued to try it!

Who’s looking forward to their September boxes?!

Katie x

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