Review | YSL Rouge Volupte Shine Lipsticks

Review | YSL Rouge Volupte Shine Lipsticks
Review | YSL Rouge Volupte Shine Lipsticks

After spending the last week talking about drugstore makeup, I thought I would go to the opposite end of the scale and talk about YSL lipsticks! While I was on the plane back from Turkey I picked up two of the Rouge Volupte Shine lipsticks and I thought I’d give you a cheeky review!

First thing to say is the packaging is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my entire life. Ever! They are absolutely stunning and I am so happy to have them in my life for that reason. They are also very weighty (they weigh like a little brick) making them feel high end – hard to explain. They just feel and look like luxury packaging wise.

Review | YSL Rouge Volupte Shine Lipsticks

They smell a little funky – actually I hate the smell… literally hate it and I find it really off putting. Which I find as such a let down. Other then that the formula is actually quite nice. They’re a sheer wash of colour and feel quite balmy on the lips. Due to their balmy nature, they don’t last that long on the lips

The colours are really fun and summery – a bright pink, and a coral toned red. I feel like I would probably rather have a nude colour, but these colours are still gorgeous.

So to be honest to look at these lipsticks are beautiful to look at, but at £26 each, I feel like the formula of Mac lipsticks (at £15.50) by far trump these. I feel like I didn’t want to write this review because I feel quite negative towards these lipsticks, however I wanted to share with you my thoughts on them. Let me know if you’ve tried them and what you found?

Katie x

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