Reacting To My Old Instagram Photos

So I saw this post on Luxury Blush‘s blog and I LOVED the idea so I thought I’d give it a go myself! I’ve had my Instagram account on and off now for about 3 years now (the first post is from 23 June 2017) and it’s certainly taken me time to find a style that works for me and even longer to work out how to have more than 300 followers!

2020 was certainly the year I found my feet over there! Not only mastering my style, but I’ve also been tracking my results over there and since rebooting my account in June I’ve been gaining about 110 followers a week (going up to 180 followers a week in the last few months)! If you’d like me to share my tips… I’ll be sure to add it to the list of blog posts to write!

My Instagram account is KatieEmmaBeauty

The First Post

23 June 2017

To be fair, as first posts go this is hardly embarrassing! I used to post about makeup on my personal account (which is now a private account). But not only was it getting a little muddled having a picture of a lipstick following by a selfie of me and my brother or something, I was also getting very self conscious people would work out I had a blog and back then I was really secretive of it! So I posted this to start off the new Instagram account exclusive to my blog.

Not only is this a throwback, because I haven’t seen that stickyback plastic for years… but also I was obsessed with this super washed out, over exposed look and as close to clutter free as I could get! And is not the style I go for these days!

The Fresh Flower Stage

3 July 2017

Ah the joys of living at home! This is only the 7th post on my account, but I actually still like it today! My dad grows flowers for a living (or a horticulturalist if you want the technical name), and so I used to have unlimited access to the flowers that (for one reason or another… usually because they were too open or too short) couldn’t go in bunches and be sold. And I used to use them in the background of my photos! When I moved out, I couldn’t financially keep up with it, and so they’ve sinced dropped out my photos, but it was such an innocent phase!

Starting to Find My Feet

21 July 2018

So you’re starting to see my style in here now right? There’s a bit of texture in the background… my little Boot teacups are in there. It takes a bit of getting used to, but to me this feels like a pretty good stab at it! And part from the fact the colourings are a little weird, I probably wouldn’t say no to this layout on my account these days!

My First Selfie

26 August 2018

I never used to share my face on my blog or on Instagram. I was both really shy and really paranoid that my boyfriend at the time (who didn’t know I had this little space online) would find out about it… Yeah, that was my paranoia for a really long time! This look is actually really nice… but by god are there a lot of shadows in this photo! Also… where did the background go?! haha!

First Post of 2020

2 January 2020

I was full on planning to start posting everyday throughout the year… but we all know what hit (and I didn’t have my camera, makeup collection or computer to edit on at my boyfriends where I was staying throughout that first lockdown). This was my 2019 empties… like all of them! I really enjoyed this post and I really loved writing it and pulling it together! In my last flat I used to take photos outside, so it had to be dry (which isn’t always as easy as it should be), but it means the colours were starting to get there!

The Current Style

November 2020 – January 2021

And now here we are! I’m really loving my Instagram right now (if I do say so myself haha!). I’ve loved having a combination of selfies, single product shots and a collection of items! Reels are also a great favourite. And, all in all, I’ve really found my feet and found my place on there! And I’ve never enjoyed creating Instagram content more!

I hope you’ve enjoyed my looking over my Instagram content over the last 3 or so years, and I hope to see you over there!

Katie x

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70 thoughts on “Reacting To My Old Instagram Photos

  1. I always always cringe at the first pictures i used to share on my personal account! You ask yoursefl what you were thinking lol I really love the style of your pictures x

  2. This is such a great idea but I’m not sure if I would want to go back and look at my old posts. It really shows how much time and effort you have put in to create an account you are happy with.

  3. Really loved seeing the evolution of your Instagram! I never used to like people knowing about my blog either and kept it a secret.

    Tash – A Girl with a View

  4. I love this post! I also made my ig private and created a new one for my blog, so I totally get it.
    Also, I never share my blog stuff on my personal ig. You motivate me to let it out more often 🙂


  5. What a great idea for a post! I would love to see a post about tips to grow followers. I just started an account one month ago. I mean my first Instagram account ever! Haha. I am a bit late to the game but thought it would be beneficial for my blog. Thanks for sharing this great article and all the best!

    Nancy |

  6. I’m so impressed with BOTH the original photos and your current feed. Looking back at my Instagram when I first started (in… 2014/2015??) is the most cringe-y experience EVER. You should definitely be impressed with yourself. I will say that your feed right now is phenomenal. Every photo is gorgeous!

  7. Katie your Instagram has always been perfect! <3 I get so flipping frustrated with Instagram and have definitely more times than I’d like to think gone round that circle of trying it, hating it and then hating it so much and being so picky about it I stop posting. I’m really trying not to let that set in this year though. Practice makes perfect, or more so, keeping trying gets you closers to what your looking for! Here’s to improving my Instagram game and ENJOYING IT once again. Haha.

    Loved this post!

    Ellie xx

  8. Oh god! Always fun to look back at my old post 😀 I archived my old post so now I can focus on my current goals! Love your feeds tho 😉 thank you for sharing this x

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