My 2021 Blogging & Instagram Goals!

So it’s no secret that 2020 wasn’t what we expected it to be, and so I was sat here trying to work out how to put into words my goals for 2021. Especially considering we have no idea what the year will hold. And so I decided it’s not just reasonable to make life goals right now… in my personal life I just hope to stay happy and healthy, to look after myself and to (fingers crossed) hold onto my job. and if I get the to the end of the year and say I’ve achieved those 3 things I will be beyond relieved.

But what I can do, and what I want to do, is share with you my blogging and Instagram goals for 2021. It was in the summer of last year (oh that feels weird), that I truly rediscovered not only blogging, but my love of it! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed getting back into the swing of things and my Instagram in particular had really excelled! And so I have some goals in mind I’d love to share with you… and hopefully you can keep me accountable.

Keep Posting Throughout 2021

When I blogged constantly in 2018 my blog stats were flying and it was really taking off! And then life got in the way and I stopped! And since then I’ve tried really hard to get back there.. and not even in the stats element but just in the mentality of it! and it’s been a tough slog, but I can truly say I’m loving it again! And I’d love to get to the end of 2021 and say I’m still here!

Do My First Paid Partnership

So I’ve just started getting PR again, which is super exciting! But something I’d love to do, and work up the courage to accept is a paid for partnership. Now I’m not saying I’m going to become a millionaire, but just a bit… would make it all feel very real! And cushion the blow of my WordPress Business renewal in January!

Get to 10k on Instagram

Oh I know this is a mental goal, but I am averaging about +140 followers a week over there and by my maths that puts me on 10k by the end of November. So go big or go home ey! I’ve been really putting so much time, effort and love into Instagram these last few months and I’ve never been happier with how it’s looking! So if you want to give me a cheeky follow you can find me here

Create a Facebook Business Ad Manager Guide

For those of you who don’t know, my day job is in marketing… focusing mainly on digital advertising. So I spend my day with my head in Facebook, TikTok & Google Ad Manager! And with all the training I’ve picked up over the years I think it would be amazing to share some of this knowledge with you guys! I often see people having problem with Instagram ads in particular and many of the solutions I know inside and out! So the plan is to pull this together over January (while it’s quieter at work and so I won’t be Facebook Ad Manager’d out) and then add this as a benefit for joining my mailing list- oh yeah I have one of those!

Post Once A Week (At Least) On YouTube

Another one of those things I used to do a lot, but slowly lost time to put into it… I’ve been posting every Sunday on my YouTube channel and I would love to keep this going! I’ve been such a slow grower over there I’m not going to set any real goals in terms of numbers or stats, but if you want to give me a little follow, you can find my channel here

Post Monthly Roundups

I really really enjoyed writing my 2020 favourites, and as you might have seen I’ve started doing a Project 10 Pan. This paired with the fact I’d really love to set myself smaller achievable monthly goals… it just feels right to share with you a monthly roundup! It gives me the chance then to just chat with no real agenda! Can’t wait to get to know you all better this year!

Host Daily or Every Other Day-ly Comment Swaps on Twitter

Twitter is currently one of my biggest referrals to my blog and I thoroughly enjoy talking to you guys over there! And so this is the year I want to give back… hosting either daily or every other day a comment swap? Don’t know what one of these is? Basically I share my latest or favourite post, and you guys share one of your posts and everyone comments on each others posts! Not only does it help you discover and meet loads of fabulous new bloggers… but it also really does help boost your blog stats!

And there you have it, 7 goals on varying levels that I would love to achieve in 2021. Many of them are most motivational focused than stat focused, as I really want to keep enjoying blogging for what it is (a space to creatively share) than focusing on stats or figures or numbers!

What are your goals for 2021? Would love to know!

Katie x

Success! You're on the list.

77 thoughts on “My 2021 Blogging & Instagram Goals!

  1. I have so many goals for Instagram this year as I really have neglected it in the past. I would like to publish more posts and include more stories, although I am enjoying focusing my attention on Twitter too! xx

  2. Katie, those all great goals and I am sure you’re going to achieve all of them! I didn’t know you also had a You Tube channel, will have to check that out! I am trying to set just monthly goals for now to work more on them. Finger crossed x

  3. These sound like some great goals. I am planning on building up my Instagram after I had to start a new account after being hacked. Good luck with achieving your goals this year.

  4. Conrgats! Those are all great goals! Especially Instagram. We’re just getting started and trying to hit 3 digits. 10k feels so far off.

  5. Great goals! I’m so happy Instagram has been working for you! I’m a little stuck haha but it’s alright its not a big goal of mine anyways! Here’s to an amazing 2021 xo Excited to see your progress this year!!

  6. Happy New Year. These are some great goals. Wishing you all the best in achieving them. I will definitely be keeping an eye out on Twitter for your comment swaps.

  7. Great goals! I have a lot of blogging goals as well. They include consistently posting on my blog twice a week, sending a weekly newsletter, and scheduling a week in advance for both twitter and pinterest. I’m also working hard to get my DA up and really want to focus on building my email list! Happy new year!

  8. You have some great goals here and I’m glad you’ve got back into blogging again. Some of my blogging goals are to engage more and build up my subscribers. I’d also like to be more consistent with social media, as I’m sometimes a bit hit and miss with that. Good luck with all you’re hoping to achieve x

  9. My goal is to grow my Instagram following, to continue promoting my short romance stories and then to continue blogging consistently. Great post. Very informative and I got to know you!

  10. These are all amazing goals Katie! I just started my blog and one of my goals for 2021 is to blog consistently. Blogging consistently is not as easy as it might seem. I am a counsellor, student, freelancer and blogger and it can be super difficult to blog consistently given the fact that I have a lot on my plate but I want to post consistently this year no matter how busy I get. I also want to build my social media. I want to get more followers on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Back in 2020, I only really focused on Twitter but this year, I really want to focus on all three! Good luck with your goals x!

    Ruth| Ruthiee loves Glamour

    1. Wow what a busy life you have! All I would say is remember this is a hobby and it’s totally ok not to post all the time! Set a schedule that works for your life! x

  11. Love this type of posts!! Great goals! +140 followers a week is an amazing number. I am hoping to get that a month lol. Hope you achieve your goals!!

  12. I’m trying to be more engaging on IG. I managed to get 2,000 followers but I still only get 100 likes or less on posts. Good luck to you and your goals. I’m sure you will get to 10k! 💕

    1. Nice post. Really good goals you have here. I hope you achieve them. Simply put mine is to grow my blog and other social media accounts.

  13. Nice post. You have some really good goals here and I hope you get to achieve them. Mine simply put is to grow my blog and my social media platforms.

  14. I really hope you get to achieve those goals! The paid partnership will come, try reaching out to even the smallest brands, and then shoot your shot with the big ones! 🙂 x

  15. There are some great goals here. I reached the 10k on Instagram but realised that it didn’t drive any traffic to my blog so have let it slip (hence I’ve dropped to below 10k now)

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