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What To Do When You’ve Hit A Creative Rut

We all have them. When you just sit there looking at an empty page and you can’t think of anything Nyada. Your brain is completely blank. I tend to get it from burnout, but all sorts of things can cause it. And after suffering it on and off throughout the years I’ve found some tips that have always helped me get back on the creative bandwagon and I thought I’d share them with you! Because, let’s face it, with these constant lockdowns it’s difficult to get inspiration in some of the ways we usually do!

Take A Break

Sometimes I take this to the extreme and disappear off of this online space for like 6 months… but that’s not necessarily what I mean. Just like take a break. If it’s an hour, missing a blog post, taking a week off as a ‘holiday’, whatever it needs to be. Just stop for a bit! And being a perfectionist I know it can feel mega frustrating when you have to do it, but you are human, and it’s ok!

Take Inspo From Other Creators

I mean I’m not saying plagarise by any means, but immerse yourself in whatever creativity you’ve hit a rut in. Be it music, reading, blogs, magazines… whatever you need. I always feel my most inspired when I’ve fully immersed myself in some of my favourite blogs! And it’s not even like we blog about the same thing, I just might see something in one of their blog posts that sparks something in the back of my mind!

Recharge With Nature

I mean that expression just made me feel a little sick, but go for a walk, breath some fresh air, and you never know, it might make the world of a difference! I always go for a walk on my lunch break and then I can come back feeling refreshed and ready to work again! It’s nice to just switch off for a bit!

Carry A Journal/Make Notes On Your Phone

I mean I do neither of these, but instead have a spreadsheet with all my blog post ideas and schedule on. But sometimes you may find you can think of 101 ideas and sometimes you get nothing. So, in those days you can think of lots of things, write them down! Schedule them in! And then resist the temptation to post all 100 posts in one day! This has MASSIVELY helped me! And since having a schedule where I know what I’m going to write before the day I sit down to write them really helps me!

Have A Declutter

This doesn’t have to be stuff… it can be of the files on your computer, or the emails databases you’re on… but there is something about just decluttering some things out of your life that will just help you reset a little bit!


I don’t necessarily mean run a marathon tomorrow… but be it a jog, a workout video, or even a brisk walk… get your heart pumping! Not only do you really switch off when you exercise, but it really helps me get ready for the day! And I’m loving my morning workouts!

Shake Things Up

Ok I know this can be difficult right now! But, all I mean is try doing your work or writing or whatever from a different space in your house. Or try eating something different for dinner. Workout in the morning? Try working out in the afternoon. Just do something to convince your mind you’re not stuck on the same day in a loop like Bonnie and Damon in Vampire Diaries (yeah, I’m really relating to them right now!)

What do you do when you’ve hit a creative rut?

Katie x

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