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December 2020 Empties | Would I Repurchase?

I’d love to do that spiel I do where I’m like ‘oh my god another month is over’, but to be honest I’m just glad to see the back of 2020. I haven’t got a year of makeup empties roundup for you… as I moved in November and I didn’t particularly want to devote an entire box to empty things I’m hoarding for really no reason! haha! Also I’ve used up a lot less this year than in prior years. So, I’m sure it’ll be back for 2021, but for the meantime, I hope you enjoy my December 2020 Empties…!

You know the drill! I go through my makeup, skincare & haircare trash and tell you what I think about each thing and whether I’d repurchase them.

Sanctuary Spa Luxury Bath Float

I actually bought this when I was staying overnight in a hotel in October and the hotel room had a bath and I wanted to make the most of it! And then the flat I moved into in November also has a bath (and a great one at that) and so weekly baths have become a bit of a routine in my life! So safe to say you’ll start seeing these popping up in my empties posts! I actually really liked this one and it’ll deffo be one I pick up again in the future

Max Factor Brow Shaper

Unless something miraculous comes up in the next few months, you’ll be seeing this in empties for quite a while still! It’s just my favourite brow pencil, I always pick up 3 when they’re on 3for2 and I love them! Just go through them quite quickly.

L’Oreal Infaillible Magic Essence Drops

If you’ve read yesterday’s blog post, you’ll know there is a primer I’m aiming to use up first before I go back and do things like repurchase this one. However, this is one of my favourite primers ever and earned its spot in my 2020 favourites, and so I’ll definitely repurchase at some point. Especially as this is already bottle 2

Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser

Another one of my 2020 favourites, this has totally changed the way I wash my face… sounds weird but hear me out! I know use a Micellar Water to get the most of the makeup off, and then follow up with this. And I’ve been loving it! Already have another bottle in the cupboard ready to go!

Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer x2

Just a classic concealer. It’s recently had a face lift with a whole new bottle and an expanded shade range. But to be fair, it’s still the same great concealer and I will 100% be repurchasing this over and over!

Dove Go Fresh Anti Perspirant

I mean it’s a little boring, but it did the job. I tend to buy whatever is on offer…

Monday’s Child Skin Perfecting Oil

I don’t want to rave about this any more than I already do, because you’ll probably get bored! However, it’s a favourite and I really enjoyed it. It did wonders for my skin and I have already repurchased.

Superdrug Nail Polish Remover Pads

I mean they’re cheap and cheerful. You do have to rub a little longer than you’d want, but they do get your nail polish off with little effort and I like how they’re pre-soaked and so easy to just have in your drawer ready to go. Already have another pack (as they were on offer), but I would probably pick up more…!

CYO Lifeproof Foundation

My aim was to use this up over 2019 and I reached my aim! Really enjoyed this foundation and while I would probably repurchase I believe it’s been discontinued (at least you can’t find it anywhere) so looks like I won’t be!

And there you have it! What did you use up over the month of December or even over 2020 would love to know!

Katie x

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