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New | Barry M x Anna Lingis Eyeshadow Palette

Barry M x Anna Lingis Eyeshadow Palette

Where did this come from? Like seriously, feel like I walked up to the Barry M counter expecting nothing and bam there was a new palette. I’m not sure if it’s the whole coronavirus infection, or if Barry M just don’t make a big enough splash with their launches. But putting all that aside, here we are!

Barry M have teamed up with their leading makeup artist, Anna Lingis, to produce a mini collection including this beautiful eyeshadow palette! I have to say I’ve never tried a non nail polish item from Barry M that I’ve been blown away by. But they’re a vegan affordable makeup brand, so I really thought it was worth giving it a go!

It sells for £9.99 and you can pick it up in all the usual places you can pick up Barry M

First things first, this palette is gorgeous! You have a collection of stunning warm browns, a few bright pops of colour, some deeper wine and burgundys and then right at the bottom some beautiful olivy and green based blues. There’s a nice mix of shimmers to mattes and the pan sizes are pretty good. I do feel like it’s missing a lighter nude shimmer (that isn’t as pale as silk), but other than that, I think this has some great options in it for eyeshadow looks!

The pigmentation is actually pretty good for an affordable palette with both the mattes and shimmers packing a fairly good punch. The mattes are relatively easy to blend (though can get a bit patchy if you go ott), and the shimmers look beautiful if you apply them with your finger (if you use a brush they will look a big meh).

There’s a fair amount of fall out from these shades, so I suggest either being careful or applying them before you apply foundation. But I feel like that’s what they had to do to make them pigmented. But there’s weirdly not that much kick back from the pan! And they last really nicely on the eyes- it doesn’t fall down much on the face, and they keep their vibrancy throughout the day

I mean if you look at the swatches below, that forest green is stunning!

The packaging is cardboard, which is kinda cheap, but to be fair it feel sturdy, has a good magnetic closure and a nice mirror.

So overall, much like the rest of Barry M, I’m impressed by it but not wowed by it!

Have you tried this? If so what did you think?

Katie x

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