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Review | L’Oreal Matte Signature Eyeliner

Review | L'Oreal Matte Signature Eyeliner

So it’s no secret I’m a fan of a winged eyeliner!It makes me look a little more human and I feel like, after years of practice, I’ve just about mastered it! However, I’m actually a massive fan of a coloured eyeliner. They can be slightly softer (& less harsh), they can add a very easy and wearable pop of colour to an otherwise natural look. And they’re just fun!

L’Oreal have a range of coloured eyeliners which have all the beautiful muted but colourful shades you could ever need!

The L’Oreal Matte Signature Eyeliner!

At £8.99 a pop they’re pretty affordable and you get a decent amount of product in there (3ml) and they come in 9 shades. I have the shade Burgundy, but it comes in everything from black and white to bright blue or pink to copy, grey, green and brown! Like some really stunning shades!

The packaging is super cute, with this long, textured black handle. It’s fairly light weight, making it easy to hold and the gripy section at the bottom means it’s less likely to slip. The applicator is effectively like a felt tip, which I actually quite like as it’s what I’m used to using. And the texture of the product is fairly liquidy.

The first thing to notice about this product is it’s pigmented! It’s definitely one of those eyeliners that you only need to use one swipe of (see below) and it shows up really well over eyeshadow. Because you have a felt tip style applicator (as opposed to a brush tip) there’s slightly less give in it, but I actually like it because it’s slightly easier to predict where it’s going to go, and you don’t end up with a rogue hair that’s sticking in a completely different direction.

Then once applied, it dries down to have a very subtly metallic but completely matte finish.

However, as it dries down it does feel a little dry on the lids. It only really feels as such if you’ve gone in with a massive wing (you can’t really feel it if you’ve gone in with a gentle wing). It’s not exactly waterproof, and if you suffer from hayfever, or a leaky eye or anything this will smudge slightly, but it’s not half way down your face or anything, it just looses a bit of the definition. But overall, the colour does keep it’s intensity and it does look really pretty!

All in all. This is one of those products I will keep using and I do absolutely live for the shade range, but I wouldn’t say it’s a firm favourite!

Have you tried this? If so, what did you think?

Katie x

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