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New | Max Factor Radiant Lift Foundation

MF Radiant Lift (1)

It’s not secret that I’ve always LOVED Max Factor face products, they really are some of my fav! The Face Finity range is one of my favourites EVER! However, their most recent launch – the Healthy Skin Harmony foundation – really didn’t hit the mark, so I didn’t know whether to be excited or to dread it.

Turns out it was the former. This is the new Max Factor Radiant Lift Long Lasting Radiance Foundation. Which, at £14.99 a pop, is at the higher end of the drugstore price bracket.

It comes in 18 shades, which is not terrible… but also not so great. It has a good range of light shades, but the medium-dark range is a bit… well shit! I use the shade Light Ivory, which (shock) is the lightest shade they do.

The packaging is simple, and it has a pump (which is fab). It’s a glass bottle, which I know some people hate because it doesn’t make it great to travel with.. but I also don’t really care, because it makes it feel more luxurious!

I find on my normal/combination skin, this is a perfect satin finish. It’s a medium coverage, super easy to apply and looks really natural on the skin. The one thing that really impresses me about this foundation is it’s wear time! Unlike pretty much every foundation I own, this doesn’t break down on my chin, it looks almost the same at the end of the day as it does at the beginning.

It’s a stunning foundation! With the hyaluronic acid, it’s really hydrating and doesn’t cling to any dry patches. And the round the whole thing off, it’s SPF 30

Literally LOVE this foundation! Paired with the lipsticks from yesterday, I feel like we’re onto a winner!

Have you tried this? If so, what did you think?

Katie x

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