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New | Revlon Colorstay Brow Mousse

Revlon Colorstay Brow Mousse Review

So today I have one of those products which I feel like would be in Tati’s WTF series! It’s a Brow Mousse from Revlon. I have to say this is the first and last one I have ever encountered and it really is unusual.

The product comes in 5 shades and it’s £7.99 a pop! Essentially the concept is very simple. You twist the bottom of the pen and mousse comes out the side of the spoolie-style brush applicator. You then brush this through your brows and hey presto you have natural, fluffy brow.

I have to say I was sceptical. I did not think this product would work! However, once you learn to be a little more delicate about the application process, it really does leave your brows with that fluffy look that I absolutely adore! The colour is also really good for me! It applies gel to the brow, which looks a little intense to begin with, and then you blend it up and out with the spoolie brush to create some of fake brow hairs as well as coating the brow hairs in colour.

It is a mousse and not a gel, and so it’s ability to stop your brows moving is non-existent, and if you use a clear brow gel it will mix with it way worse than it does with a brow pencil. However putting that aside it’s amazing!

I tend to use it this to fill in the front of my brows where I really like it to be so fluffy. And then I fill in the tail end with something a little more precise (something this product is not).

I feel like this product has been one of the biggest surprises of the year! Something I thought would be entirely gimiky and slightly ridiculous actually turned out to be amazing!

Have you tried this? If so, what were your thoughts?

Katie x

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