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New | Lottie Glitter Swatch

Lottie Glitter Swatch

I feel like Lottie London (and Nip + Fab.. but keep an eye out SPOILER!) were that brand that launched EVERYTHING over a year ago and then we’ve not really heard much from since. However, I wandered over to my local Superdrug and saw Lottie had come out with their take on the glitter lips, with their Glitter Swatch.

At £6.95 a pop and in 4 red/pink shades, it’s a great way to try out the trend and see if they work for you!

The application process is simple;
– apply an even coat to lips as you would with any other lipstick
– leave to dry for 1 minute (this is important… be patient)
– press lips together
– wohoo glitter

In that respect these lipsticks really work, they look kinda cool and they’re good fun. The packaging is simple and the doe foot applicator is a good shape and size and overall the lipstick is very aesthetically pleasing.

However, in this instance, I have not taken any swatch images, because it’s a hard one to show in an arm swatch and it looks… SOO dry on the lips. And that’s because it is SOO dry on the lips. I could not physically cope with having this on my lips for more than a few minutes. It’s not like that slightly uncomfortable drying where if you wear a good lip balm you’ll be ok. This is that kind of drying where you can literally feel the moisture being sucked out of your skin… it is not pleasant.

Overall colours are beautiful (the redder shade is High Roller and the more mauvey colour is Dream On), and the glitter effect does work and it does look awesome… but it is way too drying and it accentuates any dry patches on your lips and it’s just way to uncomfortable. So I don’t think I will ever be wearing them again!

Please don’t think I’m bashing the brand, their highlights are super pretty, their powder was lovely and there are so many things from the brand I haven’t tried yet… just this one is not for me!

Have you tried these? If so, what were your thoughts?

Katie x

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