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Glossybox | April 2018

Glossybox Beauty Subscription Service | April 2018

Today, the second of the boxes, the Glossybox. This month they’ve dedicated the box to all things nostalgia. The whole box is meant to take inspiration from past generations… realistically it’s just a box of nice products. But I like the attempt of an idea!

This time we have 5 items in the box, 3 makeup items, one brush, and one skincare. So a nice mix of things

Karl Lagerfeld + Model Co Bakes Blush 

This, to me, is more of a blusher topper, but it is a very pretty blush. And, apparently it’s a Glossybox early exclusive, yet to be released! Which is pretty awesome!

Glossybox Angled Brush (RRP £5.50) 

According to the booklet, this is ideal for lips, eyes or brows.. realistically I think it would be great for smoking out an eyeshadow on your lashline, or to create that really strong brow – up to you really! The packaging is beautiful!

Affect Cosmetics Matt Effect Transparent Loose Rice Powder (RRP £9.35) 

If you think you’ve heard of Rice Powder before, that’s because Bourjois make one. They’re a really intriguing product that is meant to give that super matte effect without being drying. This is a very white powder, so I’m not hopeful for no flashback.. however, we shall see!

Imperial Leather Unicorn Marshmallow Foamburst (RRP £3.15) 

Another brand to jump on the unicorn bandwagon, this time it’s foaming shower gel. I’m not usually that into the foaming body or face wash products, but I will definitely give it a go… because it does smell delicious!

Have you received your Glossybox? If so, what were your thoughts?

Katie x

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