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New | Sleek i-Art Precision Liquid Eyeliner

Sleek i-Art Precision Liquid Eyeliner Review

Sleek have come out with a new range of liquid eyeshadows-liquid liner hybrids. They’re actually not that easy to explain. What you do need to know is that are £6.99 a pop, and they come in 12 shades in total. And, you know, to ruin the surprise… I am obsessed. (You can get them here)

If you’ve tried the L’Oreal Eye Paints and loved them, then you will definitely love these. Essentially they’re not too dissimilar, and in short, the L’Oreal Eye Paints come in more colours, giving you more scope for choice and experimentation, but the Sleek ones are better.

They’re essentially set up a little like a liquid eyeliner. They are a liquid colour in a tube with a brush tip applicator. I say they’re some sort of weird hybrid because you can use them as an eyeshadow, or – if you are careful, as the brush tip applicator is not actually ideal – they can be the coolest and most popping eyeliner.

I actually like the brush tip, it makes the product easy to apply and you can get a fair amount of precision with it – though it can take a little bit of practice or getting used to. The formula is very very good. They’re super pigmented and long lasting. I’ve worn it as an eyeliner (the shades in Neo Pop (blue) and Orphism (purple) are by far my favourite for this), or all over the lid as a super quick eyeshadow look (Modernism (light brown), and they both look stunning. Once applied, you have a little time to blend (and they blend easily), but after a minute or less they have completely set down and they aren’t budging anywhere.


I’m missing two shades – Surrealism and Fauvism – but the other 10 shades that I have here are all super pretty, and I could see myself wearing all of them (swatched and named below). Due to space and not wanting to keep a million products I have kept 5 shades (Orphism, Romanticism, Symbolism, Neo Pop and Modernism) as they were the ones that called to me the most. And I have to say, I love them, and I use them a lot!

(From left to right: Orphism, Symbolism, Romanticism, Futurism, Impression, Purism, Minimalism, Neo Pop, Modernism, Luminism)

I would highly recommend these to you if you’re looking to get a little more creative with your makeup, or you are just looking for a good liquid eyeshadow (they don’t crease by the way!), OR you want some crazy-ass eyeliner! These are now firm favourites in my collection, and I’m going to be interested in to whether they release any more shades!

Have you tried these? If so, what were your thoughts?

Katie x

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