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10 Places I Want to (Re)Visit in the UK


The United Kingdom is somewhat an under appreciated country by it’s own residents… possibly because we have a ruling government who make rather controversial decisions which bother said residents. Such political issues aside, we are a country of the Queen, of music and culture, of an obsession with tea and the weather, and (possibly most importantly) a wealth of beautiful countryside and stunning cities, towns and tucked away villages. Some of which I’ve already visited and many of which I hope to visit in the not so distant future – so here is a list of my top 10 places (mainly cities) I would like to visit or revisit.


I feel like this is on the list of basically any traveller of the UK, Europe or even the World. As capitol of Scotland, its culture is bountiful and the variety of buildings and things to do (and, let’s face it, shopping) is endless. Plus, everyone who’s been has nothing but good things to say about it… and I would like, at some point, to see something at Edinburgh International Festival.


I feel like I’ve actually had a lot of chances to go to Bath… but somehow I always seem to end up missing out.. and I’ve never really worked out how. Despite that, it’s always been somewhere I’ve wanted to visit. I’m one of these people who loves walking aimlessly round cities just taking in the sights – however boring they might seem.


Another one of those cities where it seems like a lot just goes on. It apparently has the largest collection of museums and galleries anywhere outside the capitol and that’s enough to catch my attention…


I’ve actually been to Bristol. Once. For an open day at the University.. and I wasn’t completely taken by the whole idea, and I never really understood why. Then I drove through on a coach on the way back to London and the city looked alive, quirky and darn right fascinating. Maybe I’ve just done a lot of growing up over the last 4 years (at least I hope I have), but Bristol is now somewhere I really want to visit properly.


Strictly speaking that is an image of Bamburgh Castle… which isn’t in Seahouses… but it is down the road. I stayed with my family in apartments in Seahouses that looked out over the bay at the Castle, so you could see it lit up at night. And it is the perfect base to explore much of Northumbria, a really interesting county.


Honestly? I just want to stay in Kew to go to Kew Gardens… but I mean, who wouldn’t. I still can’t believe I’ve made it to 22nd Birthday and done three Art projects on flowers and still not been (I meant to go during my A Levels but the main atrium was being refurbed). Still can’t wait to go!


I mean, yes, I agree, all there is there really is a cathedral and it’s a short drive from Stonehenge… but honestly, I used to see trains there all the time from Southampton and I just never went… and that kind of just agitates me, I just want to know what’s there.


I work there, so realistically I’m there basically everyday. And I’ve lived within commuter distance all my life… so I feel like I’ve forgotten to really realise what’s actually in London. It’s an exciting city where everything happens. It would be great to be a tourist there… and actual tourist… for a while!

Lake District

Strictly speaking I’ve been here too… but in my defence, I was too young to really experience it. So lake district is probably the vaguest place in the country, as it’s huge… but I’d just love to go back, to go hiking, and take it in everything it has to offer now.. as an adult.

St. Davids

Porthgain Aerial Pembrokeshire South Towns & Villages

A city, parish and community in the heart of Pembrokeshire in Wales – one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. The sandy bays are stunning, the cliff tops breathtaking, the small art galleries are adorable, and the communities are super friendly. The only thing that’s stopping me from going back it the ridiculously treacherous roads…..

Where would you like to visit in the UK?

Katie x

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