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Review | Jaclyn Hill Morphe Palette

Review | Jaclyn Hill Morphe Palette

I have to say every Morphe palette I have ever tried I have completely loved! Their formula is amazing, their packaging is sleek (though I wish it had a mirror), their colour selections are beautiful and the price point is just right.

So, add to the mix a palette with warm neutrals with the odd pop of colour? I am all over that!

Their “normal” palettes are £23 a pop, while Jaclyn’s palette comes with a £37 price tag… even though the formula is basically exactly the same. Have to say, this kinda pisses me off. I get that Morphe would have to pay slightly more to put this together than their average palette. However, with a £15 increase in price…. you can’t tell me that’s not a lot?

However, price aside… I do seriously love this palette!

The pigmentation is insane! The colour selection is gorgeous! The possibilities endless! The blend ability is impressive! Ugh, just everything about this palette is so right! Definitely one of my favourite palettes, and I can’t recommend Morphe palettes enough!

Have you tried this? If so, what are your thoughts?

Katie x

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