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Rimmel Wonder Wing Eyeliner Review

Oh Rimmel what have you done? You’ve put the perfect formula eyeliner in the not perfect eyeliner pen..

Well I guess they have, the Rimmel Scandaleyes is a brilliant eyeliner. It’s super black, long wearing, easy to use, stays put amazingly, but comes off easily when used with micellar water or some kind of makeup removed AND the nib is small, precise and easy to use.

What they’ve done here is put the same formula (possibly even better) but in a nib that just doesn’t work. The idea is that you can stamp it on your eye and voila you have a stunning cat eye… and while this looks effortless and amazing on Instagram, no real human being can replicate it. And because they’ve made it in this shape, it then becomes really hard to use as an actual eyeliner.

It’s such a shame, because I really love the formula and for £5.99 it’s a really good price!

Have you tried this? If so, what are your thoughts?

Katie x

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