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B. Makeup Brush Cleanser Review

B. Makeup Brush Cleanser Review

I was one of those people who cleaned their brushes with Baby Shampoo, water and my hands for years! But, I found it meant that I never wanted to wash my brushes. Basically, it made my hands feel raw and disgusting, and then my brushes would take at least 24 hours to dry and be useable again. So, I used to leave my brushes until they were physically disgusting before I washed them – I know, I’m terrible.

However, when I started working in Superdrug, I discovered the B. Makeup Brush Cleanser. It was really well reviewed, and I had a number of people come in and tell me that they swore by it. So, I obviously had to give it a go.

For those of you who don’t know. B. is Superdrug’s own makeup brand (as No.7 is to Boots). So, this is only stocked in Superdrug, it comes at the cost of £4.99 (they’re only £3.32 at the moment!).

The process is very simple; 1. Spray 2-3 times on your brush. 2. Take some kitchen roll and swirl the brush (and watch all the product come out – eww) 3. Repeat until it comes out clear. 4. Leave to dry 5. Done! 

I actually couldn’t get over how quick and easy it was! When I was faced with the mammoth task of washing ALL of my makeup brushes (I know, why would I do this to myself!), I thought I would literally be there until the end of my days washing brushes. And, I have to say I was pretty dubious about the fact that no water was needed in this process.

However, with 2-3 sprays the brush was actually really damp, and when you rubbed it on the kitchen roll, a surprising amount of makeup came out – I actually couldn’t believe how every single eyeshadow brush had brown/gold eyeshadow on it, I have a problem, seriously. It was really fascinating to watch the bristles getting whiter and cleaner! It really did work!

The thing that really got me, and has completely won me over, is how quickly my brushes dried! I washed them at sort of 4pm on Tuesday, and they were ready to use at 7am the next morning! Result! I’m actually so impressed with this makeup brush cleanser! I would highly recommend it!

Have you tried the B. Makeup Brush Cleanser?

Katie x

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