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30 Blog Post Ideas

30 blog post ideas

I’ve done blog post ideas posts before, but I’m giving this one a little twist. A couple of these ideas have appeared on other blog post idea posts, but this is the blog posts you can expect to see from me over the next month (or so). It’s sort of like a 30 day makeup challenge, but not really…. I’m going to have a crazy blog writing day tomorrow (or today as you’re reading this) and get an insane amount of blog posts written – I hope. So these are my blog post ideas!

Read More: 200 Beauty/Lifestyle/Food Blog Post Ideas

  1. Goodbye *Month* – a little like a favourites, but more life orientated
  2. Currently Burning – candles
  3. Reverse Bucket List – things I have achieved so far
  4. My Blogging Routine
  5. Top 10 under £10
  6. Home Nail Manicure
  7. Products I Hope NEVER To Be Discontinued
  8. Nail Polish Collection
  9. Festival Makeup Looks
  10. How My Makeup Style Has Changed Over The Last Few Years
  11. Best Nude Lipsticks
  12. How To Blog On A Budget
  13. How To Make Time For Exercise
  14. Current Playlist
  15. Currently Reading
  16. Favourite Films (Of All Time)
  17. Travel Bucketlist
  18. Travel Horror Story
  19. Favourite Childhood Memories
  20. Letter To Younger Self/Dealing With Depression – wish me luck for this one….
  21. Going To University
  22. Guide To University Halls
  23. Recreating Makeup Looks From *Insert TV Series*
  24. Evening Skincare Routine
  25. Dos and Don’ts Of Summer Holidays
  26. TV Shows to Binge Watch
  27. 5 Staple Makeup Products
  28. How To Gain Instagram Followers
  29. Primark Makeup Review
  30. Hand Luggage Toiletries

I hope you are looking forward to the next month, wish me luck today with my insane blog writing, and let me know if you found this blog post helpful! Much love!

Katie x

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